Brief profile of Mr. Dipendra Purush Dhakal

Former President and Executive Member, NCDM

Mr. Dhakal is a well-known retired civil servant with over 23 years of experiences serving for the Government of Nepal. He holds two Master Degrees in Statistics (Msc.) and Economics (M.A.) from Tribhuvan University and a Post Graduate degree in International Affairs from Canada. He was the Governor of the Central Bank (Nepal Rastra Bank), former Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Director General of the Department of Tourism, and Under Secretary at the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Dhakal is a researcher and freelance consultant. He worked as a Team Leader of the ADB funded Economic Policy Network (2005 – 2006), National Adviser to the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, through the multi donor funded, Nepal Peace Trust Fund (NPTF) (2007-2011) – a program to implement Comprehensive Peace Accord between the Government of Nepal and the United Communist Party Nepal (Maoist), and Fund Manager to enhance the Capacity of the same Ministry (supported by GiZ during 2011-2014). He was the Chief Operating Officer at the Kathmandu Medical College in the private sector (2015 – 2016) and earlier as the Managing Director of the same college during 2000.

Mr. Dhakal is the founder president of Nepal Centre for Disaster Management (2002 to 2010) and is currently an Executive Member. He has contributed extensively on disaster management areas particularly in the fields of capacity building and strengthening coping capacity of communities. Mr Dhakal was awarded by the DPNet-Nepal with the ‘Certificate of Honor in 2011 recognising his contribution in this field. Few other honors to him include, Special Felicitation by the Federation of Community Forestry Organizations of Nepal; ‘Bhasker Award’ – a highest honor by the Nepal Association of Travel Agents in 2001 and ‘International Excellence Award’ by the Friendship Forum of India in 1997.

Mr. Dhakal is currently the President of Nepal Heart Foundation – a philanthropic nongovernmental organization to prevent the incidences of heart disease in Nepal. His main areas of expertise include Governance, Strategy Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Conflict management and Peacebuilding, Economic, Financial and Development Policies.